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ZabsLearn: Where Zest of Learning Begins

Hey there, I'm Mohamed Sabith, Founder of ZabsLearn. ZabsLearn is a dream that I built, to make sure everyone in the world receives quality education. I would really love to make this place where students of all levels would be able to explore the world of Math and Science. The past 5 years made me realize how important education is. The journey of ZabsLearn is all about my journey through different aspects of education, over these 5 years I started teaching while I was at university. In fact, it was my friends who taught me a lot of stuff that was going on in the class. From them to me being a teacher, was a huge transition. I taught what my friends taught me to my other friends. As I worked in Delhi and Bangalore as an Ed-Tech Counsellor, and in my current role as a Centre Head of Academics, at Byju's Tuition Centre, I met different students of different capabilities. From Students who loved Math and Science to Students who hated Math and Science, I was able to explore far and wide

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